Wednesday, December 24, 2014


As I busily run through days of work, family, fun and Chanukah - it is during this time of year that I remember my own miracle - that of adoption. Lighting the menorah, I recall those days of waiting for my children, of wondering if I would ever be a mother, if adoption would work for me and why was it taking so long.

Twenty seven years later, while not as powerful, those memories are still there, followed by the total elation and love when an infant girl was placed in my arms, to be repeated 3 1/2 years later.

I was a mom and would always be one. I love being a mother and smile when I think of my girls, and now my grandson - although I am not used to being a grandmother. I am much too young for that (well, maybe not.). I would not have this opportunity without adoption - and for that I am forever grateful. 

During this time of year, whatever your family observances or traditions - I wish you all the best. May your days be filled with the company of family and friends. May you strive for and reach your goals. May you be healthy and happy.

Mostly, if you are waiting for your child to find you - may you be united in 2015. 

Happy holidays !!

Kathy Ann Brodsky, LCSW is a social worker, adoptive mom and advocate for ethical adoption practice. She has prepared thousands of adoption homestudies, counseled adoptive parents and parents-to-be, and has trained professionals to work with adoptive families. She was named an “Angel in Adoption” by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption in 2001 and has a private practice in New York City. She has been Director of the Ametz Adoption Program of JCCA since 1992. You can follow her ADOPTION BLOG or reach her directly by EMAIL

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